My Amazing Daughter

I have the best daughter in the WHOLE WORLD!!  She is so amazing,  She participates  in special Olympics, she is on the honor roll.  She Loves her animals, and works hard at everything she does. 

Right now she is doing Track and Field.  A few weeks ago she participated  in the area games but before she was able to do all her events we got rained out, well snowed out.  Later this month she will be doing her State games. 

One of the highlights of Special Olympics is the Torch Run.  She gets to carry the Special Olympics Torch with the police officers who raise money to support our kids!  Every time I see her with the torch I get tears in my eyes.  I think I’m the luckiest mom in the whole world!!!


This is Chawndell getting her award for the honor roll



This is Chawndell throwing her softball (this is like the shot put)


Her 200 meter walk, and bronze medal



and now the torch run pictures






athletes and coaches


athletes and police officers


Photo opt with the torch


See I told you, my daughter is amazing!!!

1 comment:

RSHORSES said...

Noelle she is very amazing and don't ever forget that. God gave you a very special little girl. Give her tons of hugs for me and tell her I'm very proud of her. Luv you guys, and miss you.