Chawndell’s Special Olympics State Track Meet…
Opening Ceremony's just waiting and waiting and waiting…
Jazz Bear stirring up trouble :)
Special Olympics Torch, Lighting of the Caldron, this is a Father and Son (cop who did the Torch Run and Son who Participates in Special Olympics)
Just simply amazing, (Tears in my Eyes)
Now on to Shot Put
She won the 4th place ribbon on this one!
Staging for the 100 meter Run (she is saying with her eyes “NO more pictures MOM, Your embarrassing ME!!”)
100 Meter Run. And she RAN & RAN and Won the Silver Medal!
Random Random Random
200 Meter Walk (GOLD MEDAL)
I keep telling her, (she was going against boys on this one) that “GIRLS RULE and BOYS DRULE” Well she KICKED some BOYS BUTT!!!
Gold Medal Photo Opt with a “Queen”
All in all, she ended up with 3 medals and one ribbon. Gold in 200 meter Walk, Silver in 100 Run, Bronze in 100Meter Walk and the ribbon in shot put. What a FUN Weekend!!!
That all for now folks, I’m tired :)